Friday, February 5, 2016

How to sell an album

 When you are making the effort it is obvious that a marketing plan is a must. What you have to do is devise a plan. To many artist concentrate on the what but don't concentrate on the how. More people should identify how they are going to sell an album. Think about if the artist has a fanbase, how much media/social media coverage the artist is gaining. Unfortunately talent doesn't always convert into sales.  The key is to findout who your target market is and figure out how to connect with them. Before you even think about packaging your self as an artist you should think to yourself who is going to purchase my material. You want to get inside the mind of the buyer. For example If you an mc with with in-depth concepts, have socio political content and have a very broad vocabulary you might want to cater to college students. I can't stress how important it is people will not purchase your work if they don't know  that it exist. You want to perform at clubs that would more than likely be susceptible to your demographic. We are in the digital age now where there are tons of people who are creating there own platforms. So you will find tons of internet radio stations, podcast, Youtube channels where you can be innovative. You just have to know which of these platforms is relative to the demographic you seek. Hire publicist and promoters to garner attention to your product. The key is reaching your audience. Your audience is nothing but your reflections. They are people who more than likely want to be you or people that see something in you that they see in themselves. 


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