Saturday, February 27, 2016

Licensing your music

  Alot of you may have great songs that have never been heard by the masses, or maybe you don't want to heard by the masses. The music business isn't always about fame, sometimes its just about fortune. Lets say you have a song, it may not neccessary be a hit record, but it a beautiful record. It has a vibe or mood that creates a visual or feel in the consumers mind. Your song may be great for a television placement. Research the music supervisor on your favorite show, these are the people who are responsible for replacing viable music into media. You can do this by either watching the credits or going and Wikepedia. Pitch your idea to them see if they take up your composition for consideration. Make sure the program pitches music that is similar to yours. Sychronization licenses can be very lucrative, check local television stations and see if they are lookign for new music and always look underneath local broadcast and other outlets.

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