Sunday, January 31, 2016

What labels look for in artist

  Labels look for the most talented person they could find, right? Pretty much so isn't that how it should be? Maybe but in all reality this is not the case. There is much more that a label looks for than just talent. There are a number of aspects one must take under consideration. See selling records is somewhat of a science. When you understand this you will get a better idea of what labels are seeking.
You have different types of artist that all possess doifferent talents. Different audiences gravitate towards artist in different ways. Artist who have a great live stage performance tend to sell more records. This in comparison to one who has a great performance in the studio but is sub par on stage. Labels tend to seek for those who already ready have a lengthy following. There perspective is okay 50% of te work is done already we just how to augment it now. understand if a person is likely to come to an artists show than they are also likely to buy your records. Can the artist write and produce or can the artist just write? An artist that can produce his own music is always a plus.

  How does the artist look? An artist with a well put together look can go a long way. What embodies a true superstar is his image. If the artist has a uniqueness about him maybe the way he wears his hat, the way he walks,  an inviting personality that can take you far. Its not necessary about becoming being beauty pageant model but a beautiful personality resonates in photos. A radiant personality is always more attractive. An amazing personality reflects in ones music.
  Now what is ironic is even though we are in a drug filled industry. An artist with an habitual use of drugs is definitely a red flag. You would be how many labels, a&r's, and execs pass up on artist with drug abuse problems. You see artist with drug abuse issues tend to not be dependable, not showing up for shows, interviews, important business meetings and ultimately they become a liability. An artist to an label is a commodity and nobody a wants a damaged commodity.

  Lasty, is the artist authentic is there an air of integrity to his music? Music that is honest and vulnerable tends to connect more than that which is dishonest. Don't you ever wonder why an artist first album tends to be his best? That is because it is authentic most artist are still broke after they get there first advance because of the recoup. So if there talking about eating gummi bears and Top Ramen noodles more than likely they are. Records like that where an artist is pouring out his pain are felt because you can feel there authenticity. So get an incredible studio and stage performance, create an incredible image, don't use drugs and be honest make music of integrity don't write about police brutality if you really don't care be authentic as possible.


Getting the right type of contract

I will have to admit the complexity of some contracts are beyond the scope of a blog. There is a reason lawyers are in school for years before they take the actual B.A.R. exams. Nonetheless, you want to have atleast a substantial understanding of business contracts. I talk to artist and I ask them what is you plan what type of deal do you plan on getting. Alot of them don't know what a controlled composition clause is or any other terminology for that matter. They just hear about Jay-Z getting a 10 year 360 deal and they think well Jay-Z is smart I guess I should get a 360 deal. Not understanding everything a 360 deal entails. Make sure all different rates get situated. So you have to be an opportunist the industry consist of mostly opportune timing, and making the right deals. So be prepared take the most profitable that meets your most preeminent standards while simultaneously understanding when to walk away from a everything that glitters ain't gold situation.


Saturday, January 30, 2016


  Networking is a rolodex of people within side your industry whom can aid you in a number of ways. Networking is a quintessential aspect of the music industry. You want to go to as many places as possible to get to know people. Once you get to know different people they can help support what you are doing. Go around giving out and collecting business cards. As you meet people to develop a repport   and write down quintessential facts about your encounter. The more people you get to know the more possibilities to  recommendations for services, promotion and resources. You never know who somebody might possibly know. A simple contact can lead you a long way.

  Become a likable person when people like you doors open. Everybody you meet is a possiblity to meet another person. I wouldn't recommend doing anything before you start to get to know people in the music industry. So much of this is about who you know especially if you are possibly an artist trying to make it via D.I.Y. method. Resources are priceless and they could give a map at certain crossroads imagine you have to go somewhere and you know where the destiny is located but you don't know what you might possibly run into on the way. When you have connections people can guide you down that road and show you how to avoid certain stumbling blocks. Think of it like a parent a parents job is to kind of guide you so you don't make the mistakes that they have possibly made.

You Have to have a money mentality

   Now I know it sounds cliche but you must have a positive outlook on your efforts. To go even more  in depth. Supreme conviction in endeavors will proliferate you to unbelievable heights. You see there are eternal laws and principles that never change. What the problem is, is people truly do't know the power nor know how to activate the power of the right mentality. The right mentality is a fusion of thoughts and feelings. In other words your mind and your heart. You have to believe in yourself so much that no man, woman, or childs opinion can deter your belief. You must have a prodigious belief system. This is what separates the boys from men, the girls from women, and the havs from the have nots. The right mentality can get you out of poverty and grant you a peace of mind.

  Everyone has somewhat some kind of faith. We all have things that we may believe in beside the fact that we don't have any tangible evidence to prove it. Christians have never seen jesus in the physical form but there believe he is coming back. That is the type of unwavering faith you have to have. Others may not understand your journey or see the light that you see at the end of the tunnel. Just steadfast and keep on believing in yourself. You are never a slave of victim to your circumstances. Start to believe a mentality of invincibility. Know and understand everything in your life is a manifestation of unseen faith. The power is seeing the unseen!

The Art of Busking

Many artist don't actually understand the power of busking. Busking can be a very powerful promotional tool than you think. For those that don't know busking is nothing but a public performance for gratuities. We live in an age of transparency where people want to know who you are. They want to be able to touch you they want you to be tangible and acessible. Believe of not busking can actually be profitable than you think.  I used to take the e train to high school everyday. I once knew a guy who would sing cover tunes on subway platforms. Everyday I would walk pass him and here him sing "I miss you" by Harold Melvin and the blue notes. I would see people of all different ethnicities give his different amounts of gratuities. One day out of curiosity I said "hey man not to be intrusive but you down here alot man do you make alot of money doing this?" He then explained to me "it was slow at first but people start to get familiar with your face they start to leave tips everyday next thing you know you might make $4 to $500 dollars in one month which is not bad for extra income." I said to my self wow I would of never guess that amount. There are several success stories of people that have garnered attention from busking. You have the eastside crackhead who freestyled for a young gentleman in a car the video eventually went viral, You had a homeless man who sang and ended up meeting his idol Busta Rhymes, etc. That same guy I told you about that was possibly making 500 dollars a month also was  promoting his CD's which people also purchased. So Playing underground suprisingly can become very lucrative do not be scared to hustle to get what you want. Carry business cards when you see people gather around you and clap or attentive to your performance give them out. You never know you might be giving them to an label exec. It attracts pr opportunities imagine playing on the platform on the  E train and the next thing you know you are getting booked for a high end gig or appear on a television show. The possiblities are endless!

D.I.Y. Tips for Registering your record label

  There are a couple of ways that you can register a record label. You can do a DBA which is (doing business as) or you can do whats called an incorporated. You can also file a business certificate within your  county. A corporation establishes your business as a separate entity incase of any mishaps that transpire where you could possibly be sued. With a corporation  the business gets sued and not your you or your personal assets. A LLC or limited liabilty company can also be registered as an alternative to a DBA or incorporated. LLC's are good for partnership arrangements and tax options. Every circumstance is different so every case needs different attention. The decision to incorporate mostly depends on ones net worth. Depending whether they possess substantial assets they will more than likely need protection. So I wouldn't recommend this for a company that is just getting started. There are different taxes and costs associated with an incorporated that probably wouldn't need to incur in case of a start up. Sole proprietorship  is for accounting reasons, LLC are much more flexible between profits and loses. They operate pretty much as a hybrid partnership and corporation. So even though it might not be significant tax advantages corporations are very good for asset protection. LLC protects you from business creditors. I highly recommend getting a lawyer you might not need to incoporate right a way. Also in business if you have a partner you might want to document a partnership agreement.  You to know all particular like rights to a song, ownership of trademarks and names. Most states generally employ a rule of sharing the profits evenly including all of there business assets.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Importance of owning your masters

Jay-Z - I own my own masters no I'm not missing no royalty statements   

  Your master is the original copy of an recording. This is what all copies are ultimately duplicated from. Majority of major record labels will make sure that this is one of the first acquisitions they will make the effort to own. Most of them will own the master in negotiating as part of an agreement. Typically there is no standard about who receives these rights. Speak with an entertainment lawyer about the specifics and the importance of your masters. Especially in regards to signing a contractual agreement. Most major labels understand the power and importance of the master so they will make a rapacious effort for the acquisition of such compositions. Unless you I like that guy above smoking the cigar this can become difficult for some. You see the master copy gives you control of what you do with it in the future. So they understand the master is very resourceful and they make sure they do there due diligence to acquire it.

Getting Distribution in International Markets

  Before you think about getting foreign distribution there has to be a strong demand for your record.  You have different distributors abroad. You have smaller distributors that distribute in one country or region. These distributors are called territories. Than you have larger distributors that work within individual countries or all across Europe. Most U.S. Independent distributors don't distribute overseas. Distributors more than likely have limited access to foreign markets so there is a very small amount of outlets they can send product. Dance music tends to be the easiest to sell in many international markets. The distributors want to hear a story behind the artist. The want to gain a understanding of how the artists story relates to there current market. So you want your artist to establish a presence in the market place that you would like to sale and promote in. So market and promote in the territories that you would eventually like to distribute your music in. One of the best way to market in foreign territories is to hire a representative for your label in that territory. The press varies from country to country.

  The basic premise is identifying you audience in those specific countries. Get touring or get your artist touring in those markets. Utilize the internet to find contacts. As an alternative consider manufacturing and shipping from different country bases. Don't force it only go that route if there is a demand for labels in the specific areas. Remember distributors take a percentage of the dealers price of the record. You have to communicate explain the format of the record, pricing,  and what specific store your would like it in.

Advice for producers coming into the game(Power of Anonymous)

  Music producers are the life support of the music industry. There the spine to each every song so there is always going to be a demand for music producers. With an abundance of music producers how to you get heard? How to you get your music in the hands of a Drake, Future, or Kendrick Lamar?If you strive to be mediocre this post isn't for you. This is for the next Dr.Dre, Quincy Jones, Rodney Jerkins, and P.diddys of the world. If you want to be a successful producer you must find artist and projects that can possibly be potential hit records. What hit records do it open doors for you that otherwise would probably be shut. What is perplexing is you want to do this at the same time, you don't want to necessary aim for a hit records. Most of the time hit records come about by stumbling over them. When Just Blaze and Jay Electronica created the record "Exhibit C". They didn''t go into the studio with the mentality we have to make a hit record. They went into the studio with the mentality we have to make a great record. I say this to say you never know what may go viral what people may most likely gravitate towards. What this will do is create a buzz artist naturally want to know who's the hottest producer out. This is when companies will present contracts because when you have established a list of hit records. Its like recommendation on a resume for a job interview. You are establishing a portfolio ultimately every project is a step forward to more work. We want to gain the attention of artist who being marketed and promoted by record labels. If not them, atleast artist that are being promoted by by themselves. 

  Understand the power of anonymous if you go to New York. People stand there on 42nd street waiting to run into big name artist. Hoping they run into a Jay-Z, a Dmx, a 50 Cent which is cool but a big name artist may not necessary be the one to put you on. It might just be the guy that gets his hair at the barber shop around your way that know Russell Simmons and loves your music, it might be that dude you think is broke because he wears Parasuco jeans but he works in the same office building as Atlantic Records and is very close with an A&R in the building. I say that to say you want to look at the wide spectrum of people that can connect you to the music industry. You never know who someone knows or can do to get you further into the league.

  You have to have an exposure before commerce mentality. A free song can go along way, you don't want to give away to much but it helps. You want to get your name out get people talking. You want to market your self to the point people come looking for you. Always remember that and keep it in mind the strongest and most pertinent part of business is marketing you have got to get your name out there.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

How to not be uncomfortable with yourself (Insecurity)

  Insecurity is care and concern about the opinions of others and views of the society around you. Power is not having a care or concern about the views and opinions of others and following your internal compass. Internal compass meaning your souls purpose and knowing who you are. Too many of us don't know who we are. As a result too many of us are uncomfortable in our own skin. We look at magazines and we compare ourselves to people. We look at where we are in life and we compare ourselves to chairman of fortune 500 companies, music artist, athletes, and actors. We all have our own personal journeys that we have to go through. What we don't understand is within side those journeys are different roads and paths. We hold this mentality that we are in competition others. Jealousy is simply a secretive competition which breeds envy. God didn't send you on earth to look at a magazine and get upset. We are all here to become the greatest versions of ourselves. The world operates in a symbiotic relationship. We like to believe we are independent which is a farce. In all actuality we are dependent on each other one way or another. If you think of any person of prominence they had great people around them. So its not about drowning ourselves in ego it is about establishing a stringent connection towards god. To be insecure is to not believe in God. To understand that everything happens for a reason is to believe in God. To know that everything is in divine order and you will be alright and to believe in that beyond a shadow of a doubt is to be at one with god. Always keep this in mind that your path was designed specifically for you. God made your trials and tribulations for you and only you. So every event you go through in life, every obstacle, every stumbling block, has been tailored made for to grow and develop the greatest version you can possibly be. Never allow the opinions of other disturb and perturb you from you goals in your life. You are special you are powerful each and every person on this earth has a secret power, A yearning for expression that the soul waits to reveal. Pay attention to your feelings, you desires and most importantly what makes you happy. This is getting connected with you hearts consciousness. In essence your internal compass. Understand that everything that glitters isn't gold. What you may perceive as perfection is drenched in mascara, eye liner, blush and insecurity. Hence, sometimes the grass is greener on the other side because its fake.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My Message to Hip Hop Rappers and Upcoming Artist

   A messsage to artist and consumers of Hip Hop. I went to my sisters house today and she was listening to this 50 Cent song called "Rowdy Rowdy". Immediately I started screaming "somebody done shot the block up son word? He had the same thing you had on son, word? I know you did it so get the fuck out of here you heard I run with niggaz that will spray strip and stay there and shit." It immediately brought back this euphoric feeling. My sister started playing different records she knew I loved from "hate it or love it" "21 questions" "P.I.M.P" "If I ruled the world" its brought back so many memories. Growing up is South jamaica Queens I pretty much was involved in every dysfunctional act you could possibly be apart of. The beauty of being from the qoute on qoute hood was music. Music was our outlet, music became mental therapy for the hood. As she played different songs it dawned on me that Hip Hop has dramatically changed. Now don't get me wrong I love Drake, I love Future I love The Troy Aves of the world, and the Manolo Roses. I just remember a Hip Hip that spoke on subjects that could be related to universally. Right now Hip Hop caters to rich white kids that are growing up in the suburbs. Which I believe is cool Hip Hop is the most influential culture in the universe. I just believe Hip Hop needs to go in the direction of balance. Every body in the world is not partying and wealthy. I'm not saying that I want to hear 40 songs about police brutality either but I miss songs that touched on an assortment of topics, and gave a multitude of opinions and views. I remember as a kid playing basketball at the park at P.S. 176 in Cambria Heights Queens. My friend Carlton brought out the boom box while we was playing basketball. I immediately heard, "If I ruled the world Imagine that, I free all my sons I love love em baby! I didn't say anything but in my mind I said what the hell is that? I didn't know what is was but I knew I wanted to be a part of it. So new artist nothings wrong with turning up and going into clubs seeing its lit. But where are the songs about politics, where are the songs about your views on the current state of affairs. You have people that have made songs about police brutality but there not resonating with the consumer because more than likely the artist is not being sincere. There making the song because it is trendy so you should't just talk about something because it sounds cool. I just would love for more artist to make songs of more substance. The reason why you can get a 80's baby or early 90's baby in the room and play G-Unit, Dipset, D-Block, Nas, Jay-Z, Wu-Tang, Dmx, 2pac, Biggie Smalls, Lauryn Hill etc. Is because these artist brought a certain energy and feeling with there music. As soon as you hear any of there records you start to transcend time. We need more feel good records that can change peoples lives and give people different perspectives on life. There is millions of concerns in the world and I believe it is time for us to start creating a dialogue.

Listen to the first ever rap song I listened to below

Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Secret Marketing Trick That Nobody Seems to be doing Anymore


  When I was about 16 it was hard for me to find a job. I would apply for McDonalds, Popeyes, KFC, I would commute to the local malls no luck. Finally one day I got a call from a friend of mine named Ruff Ryder. Around this time dvd's were very big in Hip Hop. You had Smack, you had cocaine city which was real big in my neighborhood and you had Sub Zero. So a friend of mine said I know you watch the dvd's all the time would you mind working for one? So of course I said yes get paid to do what I love and do for free of course. So I take a train to there location in J street Brooklyn. I enter  the room I see computers everywhere poster and painting of different rap artist state of the art studio it looked amazing. So I saw my friend he introduced us to every body and handed us a box. We then proceeded to a back room. In side the box were promotional stickers, posters, bumper stickers, etc. I remember asking Ruff Ryder why don't the owner just buy commercial space it wasn't like they didn't have the funding. That is when Ruff Ryder began to explain to me the power of streets teams. Late 90's early 2000's you had something called street teams. Ruff Ryder asked me who was my favorite artist. He then ask me how did I find out about him. That is when it clicked for me i realized that most of the artist I ever gravitated to was because I had friends that would run to my house after school with mixtape cd's which increased my interest even more. The most powerful form of marketing is word of mouth. Being able to interact with people first hand was not a luxury alot of major record labels had. So they kids that were in the streets and allowed them to get first hand information directly from the consumer. This is prior to Soundcloud, Reverbnation, Youtube, Twitter and Facebook. So I learned that there are various forms of marketing but nothing is more powerful then word of moth. Nothing like people talking about your product everywhere its free advertisement. So if you are an up and coming independent label start a street team. They can promote on the internet, setting up displays, or going to concerts passing out stickers, posters and samplers. A street team can become your eyes and ears of the streets. Once you have a street team always show great appreciation for them. Give them bonuses free merchandise, credits on work just to show that you appreciate there work. There are a myriad of marketing companies around the country that you can purchase stickers and send your street teams to high schools(if that is your audience) to distribute them.

  So know the power of word of mouth. You can look at a McDonalds commercial and they will tell you 101 reasons why the big mac is the best burger in the world. That is nothing compared to your friend who you respect and adore telling you man this burger is the best! So create a buzz do whatever you can do to create it and I promise you your music will go a long way.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Understanding the music industry (what am I getting myself into)?

  Understand the music business is not candy land. Now I'm not saying this to instill fear in you in anyway but for those that want to get a better understanding of the inner workings of the music industry from somebody with first hand knowledge here is some insight. The music industry has been notorious time immemorial for its reputation of lack of professionalism, criminal behavior, deception and thievery.  I remember being at award shows and watching your favorite artist on the stage screaming to the top of there lungs pleading with other artist and entertainers just to sit down in there seats just so the show would stop. I've watched people you love and adore that have been in major big screen movies get walked over like doormats. Storys about rappers getting extorted, jewlery being stolen, promoters not compensating artist and people being robbed all because they didn't know how to carry themselves.

No how to move in a room full of vultures industry shady it need to be taking over - Jay-Z

I believe the people that do become the most successful within the music industry is those who know how to type rope the line of streets smart and book smarts and that is what this blog is about. The key to becoming financially successful in the music industry is by the exploitation of sound recordings and music artist. Look terminology that is used "exploitation" which should give you a hint of what type of business you are dealing with. My advice to you is to always keep in mind that this is the music business". It is about monetary gain and how can we accumulate as much commercial dollars as possible. There are a multitude of different people who play a major part in the workings of an artist. You have the creatives: which is like recording artist, songwriters, vocalist, producers etc. Then you have business: Which is major companies, subsidiaries, independent record labels, distributors, and marketing. Than you have professional support entertainment attorneys, personal managers booking agents, business managers, accountants etc. Lastly you have performance which features radio, film, television, cable, concert, and internet.

       The business can be  extremely risky business(especially when you are dealing with majors).You have to realize alot of the music artist that you love  monies are being disseminated amongst industry professionals. I'm talking about the same people I spoke about in the prior paragraph. The good news is the music industry thrives off of newness. New talent, new energy, new ideas, new trends, new labels and new waves. Unfortunately to bring anything to situation to fruition takes some type of financial backing(which there are ways to get around that which I will speak about in future post). See most creatives have loads of talent and low finances which makes them pray for major record labels. Between antiquated accounting practices and inaccurate royalty statements has become an issue. Employment is sometime scarce of value so because the money can be inadequate people go towards more deceptive tactics for financial gain.

Now this is just an brief overview the bright side about all of this is you know me. I will help you navigate through all the vultures. You just have to always keep in mind that this is a business!

Friday, January 22, 2016

How to Create an Successful Rap Image

“Image is everything. You don’t spare any expense to create the right image. And word of mouth is critical. Once you get a good reputation, momentum will carry you.”

  A prominent image can truly compel you as a rapper. Unfortunately we live in a world where the image can sometime more important than the music.  So to have an incredible image coupled with great music would be incredible. So take time and develop and mold your self to convey to image your would most likely would like to be perceived as. Do you want to perceived as a hardcore gangster, a ladies man,  a rebel without a cause, a militant conscious artist etc.You should always possess an air of success. No matter what your current temperment maybe always keep an air of success. If you put out an album and sell 10 copies regroup think how can you improve your situation but always keep a demeanor as if you know everything is going to work out.

Even if the Nets go 0-82 I'll look at you like shit gravy - Jay-Z

  People are naturally inclined to help successful people. The mere fact that you have an air of triumph makes you become more attractive. Always allow the mental to supersede the physical. If you want to depicted as an high esteemed individual that should be the energy you emit. Create an illusion that speaks for its self. Success should ooze from your body language, your vocal tones, and especially your actions. Just holding that thought  creates a gravitational pull. People start to think what makes him so confident? Why is he so sure of himself? Unfortunately we live in a world of alot of insecure people. So people tend to admire those who never to appear to not have it all together. Always makesure you do things right and when I say right I don't mean spending a fortune. I mean paying attention to details and looking over things and making sure that they are done thoroughly. Entertainment is about about providing a fantasy for the consumer. Ultimately what you will find is that is cars can be rented, jewlery can be borrowed, favors can be done and illusions can be made. So when there is a will there is always a way. You may not have a plethora of contracts or funds so make the best out of what you have. That was the beauty of Hip Hop it was alchemy at it finest. It is take nothing and turning it into something. Now you still want to focus on your integrity mind you I made sure you used the words stretch the truth meaning for you to exaggerate. I don't want you going around telling people you used to be co CEO of Roc-A-Fella Records when Jay-Z was booming knock it off. It just means to embellish and psychologically preparing yourself to recieve success.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

10 Ways Music Artist Can Monetize There Craft

1) Find Your Perfect Niche - To Many times in Hip Hop/Rap music in general. We tend to have a propensity for following trends. Instead of finding our own unique defined well choreographed niche. We just observe what is successful and duplicate it. Artist should understand that it can be very detrimental to follow trends. Understand what a trend is; a trend: is a current concept, genre, or type that is subject to change. The problem with following trends is that you take away from your authenticity.   It is not actually who you are.Truth leaves an everlasting stain on the conscious of the consumer. It resonates with people on a level as like no other. You want you mindset to be one of longevity. Your music should be an expression of who you are an leave an effect on your audience and future consumers. So you want to make an concerted effort to activate your inner authenticity. Your first and foremost agenda should be seeking an audience or hardcore fan fanbase. Decide what type of artist you are, are you mainstream or a fringe artist. Listen to your music and ask your self, is this the type of music that would cater to a more mainstream audience? Or would this cater to more of an underground audience. Once you find out that out get near other artist that you might find similarities in your music. What this does is put you closer to the audience that is more likely to purchase your music. Know what you would like your music to convey and how can you leave an everlasting impression on your audience.

2) Marketing - If you ask anybody one of the most important parts of any successful business is the marketing. The industry has used a multitude of different marketing stratagems. From contest, conflicts, radio, television, guerilla marketing etc. The music industry is not necessarily about talent, an incredible marketing and promotion would supersede talent. Don't be afraid to perform in front of 3 people. That 3 people tell three people and they tell three people. So 3 turns into 6, to 9, to 12, 15,27, and 35 etc. Alot of people want instant gratitude. Which is not always the best situation to place your self in. Now 35 people might not sound like alot of people but i believe the best form of marketing of marketing is word of mouth. Me personally I am avid fan of battlerap, some of my favorite battlers are Murda Mook, Loaded Lux, Hollow Da Don, Charlie Clips, Goodz Da animal, and K-Shine. If you was to ask me about most of the artist out side them I probably wouldn't be able to tell you about them. It is because someones opinion who I respected and consider a reliable source contacts me and says "man you have to check out this kid K-Shine he's incredible". So many of us want to be Bobby Shmurda, Slim Jesus, or Trinidad James. What people are not taking into consideration is alot of these artist need to be groomed. They create a song on there best friends studio equipment and the next day they strike stardom. Which is an awkward position to be in. What's difficult is not that you have this big record out nobody knows you and now you have to sustain this overnight success you have just accumulated. So have longevity in your mind. Focus on quality instead of quantity. Just think about your self at the top of a pyramid. Your goal is to 25 fans that will love and adore you. So you want to connect with people who will most likely resonate with your music. Marketing is simply a) Conveying a message b) To a massive amount of people c) To the people your message would resonate the most. In my experience what I believe tends to work is is thinking outside the box. Make the effort to get your mental juices flowing do things that other artist might not have done or be willing to do. Even if you do something similar to someone find to way to do it in a unique way. Don't Be afraid to do things out the ordinary. Marketing should be well thought out from your album title, your style of dress, the way you speak, and the content of your music.

3) Google Adsense - Understand the Power of Google Adsense. There is alot of money that can be made from ads and other forms of content. There are a multitude of form to generate income outside of your actual physical compositions. You can potentially make hundreds of thousands of dollars buy posting ads and getting paid per diem or commission based. 

4) Share cash - Share Cash is a website that allows you  to upload your mp3's. You can possibly receive $1 - $20 dollars per song download from ad displays.

5) Website - You must have your own website. A website is a perfect way of branding yourself. You can create partnerships with ad companies. Place there ads on your site and get paid every time a person clicks on your ad.

6) Youtube - Open up a youtube account and funnel it through Google Adsense as well. You also get paid off of views which is a small amount per view but it adds up. You can make possibly up to six and seven figures alone.

7) Merchandise - Sell merchandise on your site. I think the rap artist Cam'ron has the most incredible merchandise game I have ever seen. This man has candles, socks, shower curtains, shirts, hats,  vaporizers, I think at one time he was even had ebola mask(lol I'm not lying). So be innovative with your merchandise.

8) Middle Man - Once you have found someone in the industry who provide sufficient service. Whether it be directing, editing, producers and you have established a relationship with them. Establish a deal that if you bring them a certain amount of clientele that you can earn a percentage.

9) Charge for collaborations - When collabing with artist charge them. Add a promotional package in addition to the collab. Offer promotion on your website and if you have a large following tell them you will promote them for a specific tenure which is included in the package.

10) Facebook - Post excerpts with your websites with sponsored ads. Once again you can get ppc (paid per click).