Sunday, January 31, 2016

What labels look for in artist

  Labels look for the most talented person they could find, right? Pretty much so isn't that how it should be? Maybe but in all reality this is not the case. There is much more that a label looks for than just talent. There are a number of aspects one must take under consideration. See selling records is somewhat of a science. When you understand this you will get a better idea of what labels are seeking.
You have different types of artist that all possess doifferent talents. Different audiences gravitate towards artist in different ways. Artist who have a great live stage performance tend to sell more records. This in comparison to one who has a great performance in the studio but is sub par on stage. Labels tend to seek for those who already ready have a lengthy following. There perspective is okay 50% of te work is done already we just how to augment it now. understand if a person is likely to come to an artists show than they are also likely to buy your records. Can the artist write and produce or can the artist just write? An artist that can produce his own music is always a plus.

  How does the artist look? An artist with a well put together look can go a long way. What embodies a true superstar is his image. If the artist has a uniqueness about him maybe the way he wears his hat, the way he walks,  an inviting personality that can take you far. Its not necessary about becoming being beauty pageant model but a beautiful personality resonates in photos. A radiant personality is always more attractive. An amazing personality reflects in ones music.
  Now what is ironic is even though we are in a drug filled industry. An artist with an habitual use of drugs is definitely a red flag. You would be how many labels, a&r's, and execs pass up on artist with drug abuse problems. You see artist with drug abuse issues tend to not be dependable, not showing up for shows, interviews, important business meetings and ultimately they become a liability. An artist to an label is a commodity and nobody a wants a damaged commodity.

  Lasty, is the artist authentic is there an air of integrity to his music? Music that is honest and vulnerable tends to connect more than that which is dishonest. Don't you ever wonder why an artist first album tends to be his best? That is because it is authentic most artist are still broke after they get there first advance because of the recoup. So if there talking about eating gummi bears and Top Ramen noodles more than likely they are. Records like that where an artist is pouring out his pain are felt because you can feel there authenticity. So get an incredible studio and stage performance, create an incredible image, don't use drugs and be honest make music of integrity don't write about police brutality if you really don't care be authentic as possible.


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