Thursday, January 21, 2016

10 Ways Music Artist Can Monetize There Craft

1) Find Your Perfect Niche - To Many times in Hip Hop/Rap music in general. We tend to have a propensity for following trends. Instead of finding our own unique defined well choreographed niche. We just observe what is successful and duplicate it. Artist should understand that it can be very detrimental to follow trends. Understand what a trend is; a trend: is a current concept, genre, or type that is subject to change. The problem with following trends is that you take away from your authenticity.   It is not actually who you are.Truth leaves an everlasting stain on the conscious of the consumer. It resonates with people on a level as like no other. You want you mindset to be one of longevity. Your music should be an expression of who you are an leave an effect on your audience and future consumers. So you want to make an concerted effort to activate your inner authenticity. Your first and foremost agenda should be seeking an audience or hardcore fan fanbase. Decide what type of artist you are, are you mainstream or a fringe artist. Listen to your music and ask your self, is this the type of music that would cater to a more mainstream audience? Or would this cater to more of an underground audience. Once you find out that out get near other artist that you might find similarities in your music. What this does is put you closer to the audience that is more likely to purchase your music. Know what you would like your music to convey and how can you leave an everlasting impression on your audience.

2) Marketing - If you ask anybody one of the most important parts of any successful business is the marketing. The industry has used a multitude of different marketing stratagems. From contest, conflicts, radio, television, guerilla marketing etc. The music industry is not necessarily about talent, an incredible marketing and promotion would supersede talent. Don't be afraid to perform in front of 3 people. That 3 people tell three people and they tell three people. So 3 turns into 6, to 9, to 12, 15,27, and 35 etc. Alot of people want instant gratitude. Which is not always the best situation to place your self in. Now 35 people might not sound like alot of people but i believe the best form of marketing of marketing is word of mouth. Me personally I am avid fan of battlerap, some of my favorite battlers are Murda Mook, Loaded Lux, Hollow Da Don, Charlie Clips, Goodz Da animal, and K-Shine. If you was to ask me about most of the artist out side them I probably wouldn't be able to tell you about them. It is because someones opinion who I respected and consider a reliable source contacts me and says "man you have to check out this kid K-Shine he's incredible". So many of us want to be Bobby Shmurda, Slim Jesus, or Trinidad James. What people are not taking into consideration is alot of these artist need to be groomed. They create a song on there best friends studio equipment and the next day they strike stardom. Which is an awkward position to be in. What's difficult is not that you have this big record out nobody knows you and now you have to sustain this overnight success you have just accumulated. So have longevity in your mind. Focus on quality instead of quantity. Just think about your self at the top of a pyramid. Your goal is to 25 fans that will love and adore you. So you want to connect with people who will most likely resonate with your music. Marketing is simply a) Conveying a message b) To a massive amount of people c) To the people your message would resonate the most. In my experience what I believe tends to work is is thinking outside the box. Make the effort to get your mental juices flowing do things that other artist might not have done or be willing to do. Even if you do something similar to someone find to way to do it in a unique way. Don't Be afraid to do things out the ordinary. Marketing should be well thought out from your album title, your style of dress, the way you speak, and the content of your music.

3) Google Adsense - Understand the Power of Google Adsense. There is alot of money that can be made from ads and other forms of content. There are a multitude of form to generate income outside of your actual physical compositions. You can potentially make hundreds of thousands of dollars buy posting ads and getting paid per diem or commission based. 

4) Share cash - Share Cash is a website that allows you  to upload your mp3's. You can possibly receive $1 - $20 dollars per song download from ad displays.

5) Website - You must have your own website. A website is a perfect way of branding yourself. You can create partnerships with ad companies. Place there ads on your site and get paid every time a person clicks on your ad.

6) Youtube - Open up a youtube account and funnel it through Google Adsense as well. You also get paid off of views which is a small amount per view but it adds up. You can make possibly up to six and seven figures alone.

7) Merchandise - Sell merchandise on your site. I think the rap artist Cam'ron has the most incredible merchandise game I have ever seen. This man has candles, socks, shower curtains, shirts, hats,  vaporizers, I think at one time he was even had ebola mask(lol I'm not lying). So be innovative with your merchandise.

8) Middle Man - Once you have found someone in the industry who provide sufficient service. Whether it be directing, editing, producers and you have established a relationship with them. Establish a deal that if you bring them a certain amount of clientele that you can earn a percentage.

9) Charge for collaborations - When collabing with artist charge them. Add a promotional package in addition to the collab. Offer promotion on your website and if you have a large following tell them you will promote them for a specific tenure which is included in the package.

10) Facebook - Post excerpts with your websites with sponsored ads. Once again you can get ppc (paid per click).

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