Friday, January 22, 2016

How to Create an Successful Rap Image

“Image is everything. You don’t spare any expense to create the right image. And word of mouth is critical. Once you get a good reputation, momentum will carry you.”

  A prominent image can truly compel you as a rapper. Unfortunately we live in a world where the image can sometime more important than the music.  So to have an incredible image coupled with great music would be incredible. So take time and develop and mold your self to convey to image your would most likely would like to be perceived as. Do you want to perceived as a hardcore gangster, a ladies man,  a rebel without a cause, a militant conscious artist etc.You should always possess an air of success. No matter what your current temperment maybe always keep an air of success. If you put out an album and sell 10 copies regroup think how can you improve your situation but always keep a demeanor as if you know everything is going to work out.

Even if the Nets go 0-82 I'll look at you like shit gravy - Jay-Z

  People are naturally inclined to help successful people. The mere fact that you have an air of triumph makes you become more attractive. Always allow the mental to supersede the physical. If you want to depicted as an high esteemed individual that should be the energy you emit. Create an illusion that speaks for its self. Success should ooze from your body language, your vocal tones, and especially your actions. Just holding that thought  creates a gravitational pull. People start to think what makes him so confident? Why is he so sure of himself? Unfortunately we live in a world of alot of insecure people. So people tend to admire those who never to appear to not have it all together. Always makesure you do things right and when I say right I don't mean spending a fortune. I mean paying attention to details and looking over things and making sure that they are done thoroughly. Entertainment is about about providing a fantasy for the consumer. Ultimately what you will find is that is cars can be rented, jewlery can be borrowed, favors can be done and illusions can be made. So when there is a will there is always a way. You may not have a plethora of contracts or funds so make the best out of what you have. That was the beauty of Hip Hop it was alchemy at it finest. It is take nothing and turning it into something. Now you still want to focus on your integrity mind you I made sure you used the words stretch the truth meaning for you to exaggerate. I don't want you going around telling people you used to be co CEO of Roc-A-Fella Records when Jay-Z was booming knock it off. It just means to embellish and psychologically preparing yourself to recieve success.


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