Saturday, January 30, 2016

You Have to have a money mentality

   Now I know it sounds cliche but you must have a positive outlook on your efforts. To go even more  in depth. Supreme conviction in endeavors will proliferate you to unbelievable heights. You see there are eternal laws and principles that never change. What the problem is, is people truly do't know the power nor know how to activate the power of the right mentality. The right mentality is a fusion of thoughts and feelings. In other words your mind and your heart. You have to believe in yourself so much that no man, woman, or childs opinion can deter your belief. You must have a prodigious belief system. This is what separates the boys from men, the girls from women, and the havs from the have nots. The right mentality can get you out of poverty and grant you a peace of mind.

  Everyone has somewhat some kind of faith. We all have things that we may believe in beside the fact that we don't have any tangible evidence to prove it. Christians have never seen jesus in the physical form but there believe he is coming back. That is the type of unwavering faith you have to have. Others may not understand your journey or see the light that you see at the end of the tunnel. Just steadfast and keep on believing in yourself. You are never a slave of victim to your circumstances. Start to believe a mentality of invincibility. Know and understand everything in your life is a manifestation of unseen faith. The power is seeing the unseen!

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